A short essay on religion in Scotland + a couple other things.

8/16/20241 min read

Long time, no post on my part.

If you're interested in keeping up with what I've been blog posts, you can have a look at or subscribe to my monthly-ish newsletter on Substack. You can find it here.

I can share a few noteworthy things with you on here, though.

First, I wrote a meandering reflection piece on religion in Scotland for Covenant which a lot people didn't like. Some of this might have been due to the headline (my bad!) but also the photo initially used (not anymore!) and sundry other reasons. Still, you'd like to read it, you can check it out here:

Religious Tourism in Scotland - The Living Church

A second thing: I was interviewed for a piece in the Canadian Anglican Journal about the structures of the General Synod. This is because I'm a member of commission working to reimagine the structures of the Anglican Church of Canada as we look into the future. I am quoted at the end of this piece:

Commission asks: Time to axe General Synod, Journal? - Anglican Journal

Finally, I'm going to be giving a breakout talk at a Mockingbird conference here in Tyler. More details to follow!