Anglican Biblical Interpretation in the Nineteenth Century: A book and an article
4/12/20241 min read
Most of the writing life, for me, is filled with time spent with my head down working on projects. Some of them never see the light of day. So it is a joy when a couple come to fruition.
This past month the major research project I've been working on for the past several years was published. The book is titled Anglican Biblical Interpretation in the Nineteenth Century: A Critical Evaluation.
From the back of the book:
How did Anglicans read the Bible 200 years ago? This book invites the reader into the world of nineteenth-century Anglican biblical interpretation. It draws on sermons, memoirs, and commentaries to show the interesting, compelling, and sometimes confusing ways that Anglicans read the Bible. The book contains new research on Charles Simeon, Benjamin Jowett, John Keble, Christina Rossetti, F.D. Maurice, Richard Chenevix Trench, and many others.
You can see more from the publisher, Brill, here.
And, I also published an essay in the Journal of Anglican Studies looking at the biblical interpretation of Simeon, Jowett, and Rossetti.
You can see the FirstView of that essay here.
Looking ahead, I have another essay in the works on Anglican governance in Canada, especially with respect to the interpretation of canon law, and the theological implications of the same.
And I am in the initial stages of a new book project, which I hope I can share more about in coming months.